Ecological continuity on the Rhine: the response of NGOs!
In view of the next Ministerial Conference, which will take place in Amsterdam in 2020, environmental protection NGOs from the Rhine basin in favor of the ecological continuity of the Upper Rhine have just published a common position, in which they make known their requirements.
Indeed, at the last plenary meeting of the ICPR in Malbun in July 2019, France communicated its global plan for the restoration of ecological continuity of the Rhine between Rhinau and Vogelgrün.
Despite the implementation of the new “Living Rhine Plan”, which they welcome and approve, the NGOS deplore that the deadline of 2020 originally planned, nor any other deadline, is no longer included in the French program.
As a result, NGOs are demanding that all necessary work to ensure ecological continuity and relocation of naturally balanced salmon populations in the Rhine Basin to Basel be completed by the end of 2025.
They also call for a review clause for late 2022 and for a progress report.
>> For more details, read the position of associations (available in French and in German only)
> Read also our previous news about Rhine (July 2019)
>> French flyer “Plan Rhin Vivant”
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