Dam Watch
In order to illustrate the issues related to dams and their negative impacts on rivers and aquatic ecosystems, but also to show some trends in renovation and in full or partial removal, we have selected some cases which we are monitoring :
- Large dams
- the Poutès dam in France on the Wild Salmon River Allier (Loire tributary) : partial removal
- largest removal in Europe of two large dams on the Sélune River (Normandy/France).
- the large Mesochora dam in Greece (Acheloos River), never been flooded…
- the Vogelgrün dam on the Rhine River (transborder France/Germany) blocking salmon.
- the controversal Ilisu dam (Tigris, Turkey) overflowed a UNESCO site : unfortunately, constructed
- the Alqueva dam in Portugal (Guadiana River) the largest dam reservoire (surface) in Europe : unfortunately, constructed
- the Yacyreta Dam in Argentina (Parana) the corruption and scandal (Worldbank droped out): unfortunately, constructed
- Small and micro-hydro projects
- the micro-hydropower plant project in Chanteuges, France, Desges river : low production of energy – high impact on nature
- the equipment of the existing dam of Vichy, on the Allier river in France
- the equipment of the existing dam of Descartes, on the river Creuse, France
- the project of a micro power station at Ebreuil on the Sioule, a tributary of the Allier, France
- A power station on the Auze, Loire basin, France
- The multiplication of power plants on the Alagnon basin, a salmon river, Loire Basin, France
- The example of the Petit Tabuc, one of the threatened alpine rivers, France