
Brochures, Reports, Conferences, Webinaires, Video library

  • Brochures and reports


Les conditions de mobilisation des retenues hydroélectriques pour le soutien d’étiage sur le bassin Loire-Bretagne, IGEDD, juin 2023

Summary of the main ecological impacts caused by hydroelectric hydroelectric developments and their consequences on the the functioning of watercourses, January 2022 OFB, french only

Hydropower in Europe : transformation – not development,  March 2021, WWF report

A manifesto : no more new hydropower  in Europe, 2020, english

Hydropower pressure on European Rivers : The story in numbers – summary report, Euronatur,Riverwatch, WWF, Geota, 2019, english

Environmental-climate-and-social-guidelines-on-hydropower-development, EIB, 2019, english

Handbook on the “sustainable” future of hydropower in the Balkans , Balkanka association, Dimiter Koumanov, 2019, english

Micro Hydro : No Go in french wild and scenic rivers , ERN 2017, français

10 Reasons Why Climate Initiatives Should Not Include Large Hydropower Projects, a Civil Society Manifesto for the Support of Real Climate Solutions, 2015, english => document updated in 2019 by the NAMRA

Dams & dams removals

– Factsheet, Removing barriers for the benefit of people and nature, 10 reasons why it’s a good idea 2024, DRE, WWF WFMF

Criteria for identifying free-flowing river stretches for the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, European Commission, June 2024

– Dam removal progress report 2023, April 2024, DRE report, english

Guide concerté des solutions techniques pour restaurer la continuité écologique dans les cours d’eau. Approche intégrée des enjeux écologiques, culturels, de navigation et de production d’électricité sur les cours d’eau et résulte d’un travail approfondi mené dans le cadre des concertations du groupe de travail “continuité écologique” du CNE, entre l’OFB, les ministères de la Culture et de l’énergie et la fédération française de canoë kayak, décembre 2023

– Dam removal progress report 2022, April 2023, DRE report, english

Le Nouveau Poutès. L’histoire d’une conciliation en Haute Loire, L’Homme et la rivière Allier. Livre hors-série de l’Eveil, co-écrit par SOS Loire Vivante, Fédé pêche 43, EDF, municipalités et autres, en consultation libre au local de SOS Loire Vivante, 2022

– The potential of barrier removal to reconnect Europe’s rivers, April 2021, WWF report, english

–  Quand les rivières reprennent leur cours – Notes sur l’effacement de barrages et de seuils, sur la Sélune et ailleurs, February 2021, OFB, Synthesis meeting of the 2019 Selune Conference organized by ERN, French only

Let it flow, reconnecting people with rivers, AMBER, 2020, english

Dam Removal Europe – Strategy 2020-2030, DRE, 2020, english

– Effacement de barrages, Quand la Sélune reprend son cours, – 24 au 26 septembre 2019, Les Rencontres, OFB, n°70,  déc.2019, french
Dam removal: The Sélune River free to run – 24 to 26 september 2019, Les Rencontres, OFB, n°70,  déc.2019, english

– Restoring Free-flowing Rivers in Europe, A practitioner’s toolkit for dam removal, The Nature Conservancy, sept 2019

Dam Removal a viable solution for our European rivers, DRE, 2018, english

–  Let’s adopt the Selune Valley, english
Adoptons la Vallée de la Sélune, français

Enlever les vieux barrages inutiles sur la Loire et  les rivières de France, un progrès pour la restauration écologique des fleuves, WWF 2008,  français

World Commission on dams Report “OVERVIEW”, WCD 2000, english

World Commission on dams Report “COMPLET REPORT”, WCD 2000, english

Waterframe directive, Basin management plans

Europe’s state of water 2024: the need for improved water resilience, EEA, octobre 2024, anglais

–  The final sprint for Europe’s rivers, an NGO analysis of 2022-2027 draft river basin management plans – Summary report – october 2021 , WWF report

–  The final sprint for Europe’s rivers, an NGO analysis of 2022-2027 draft river basin management plans – Full report – october 2021 , WWF report

Weakening the EU Water law : Industry’s wish list, LRE, 2019, english

Bringing life back to Europe’s water : the Eu Water Law in action, DRE, 2018, english

Eco-Masterplan for Balkan Rivers, Riverwatch and EuroNatur, 2018 english

Living Rivers Europe : vision statement, LRE 2017, english

Nature based solutions, Adapting to climate, water crises, flood

A Water handbook for the 2024-2029 mandate, Preserving Europe’s waters, keeping Europeans safe, LRE septembre 2024

Adapting to climate and water crises, joint position paper for a water resilient Europe, Living Rivers Europe, october 26 2023, english

Les solutions fondées sur la nature dans les anciens marais salants de Camargue, Tour du Valat, 2019, french

Flood Risk in Paris (Seine River) – a publication by ERN , 2017, français


Pour des Rivières Vivantes – France, Rapport 22 mai 2024 , WWF France

– LIVING PLANET INDEX, MIGRATORY FRESHWATER FISHES, 21 mai 2024, report, summary, WFMF, ZSL, l’UICN, TNC, Wetlands International, WWF

Eau et milieux aquatiques – Les chiffres clés 2020, OFB, SDES MTES, collection DATALAB, french

Youth Manifesto for wild rivers by the Youth Network for River Action, 2017, english

Salmon in the the Alps (Revue Atlantic Salmon Federation), 2017, english

A review of Europe’s new Water, EEB, 2012

World top 10 rivers at risk  WWF 2007, english

  • Video library

Ecological continuity & dam removal

– 3X2 minutes videos on Poutès dam retrofit, the salmon obstacle cours on the Allier river, and the Selune dams removal. Produce by ERN and also available on our you tube channel : Rivières Vivantes – Laisser Couler – YouTube, may 2024

– 8 minutes video on ecological continuity answering questions on the subject and deconstructing preconceived ideas. Published by the Water and Biodiversity Ministry Le Vrai / Faux de la continuité écologique des cours d’eau, 2023

– 13 minutes video on the Tardoire 4 dams removals, an Open Rivers Projet in partnership with ERN and SYMBA, in english  in french, 2023

– 12 minutes, le retour du saumon en Suisse, un retour tout sauf tranquille, l’illustré, octobre 2022

– 12 minutes video on selune dam removal, by ERN, in english and in french, 2022

– 11 minutes : reportage de Element Terre (france24) Barrages : sauver les derniers saumons, avril 2022

– Movie (1h15) about dam removal in Europe and US Dambusters Documentary – Dam Removal Europe, 2022

– Restitution of the AMBER project: webinar video, June 2020

– 4 minutes cartoon, Let’s get our rivers flowing again!, realisation french states and water agency, Redonnons libre-cours à nos rivières ! ( 2016

– Movie on dams in the United States (impacts and removal) DamNation | Official Website | (, 2014

  • ERN’s presentation brochure

Our passion : living rivers beyond all borders – English version 2021

  • River link

– Connect people and rivers :  directory of organisations, country by country

  • Webinar

– Information and debate :  replay (french only)

  • Conference and colloquium by ERN

– “International conference of Salmons and people 3″, 19-21 October 2023, Brioude, France, ERN, Ville de Brioude, MDS, APS, AELB, OFB, Fonds Vert, PLGN, Région AURA, EDF & autres partenaires

“Selune Valley revival, international conference on dam removal” in Rennes & Avranches, France 24-26 sept.2019, ERN, AFB, AESN, FNPF, INRA, DRE, WWF & others parteners

– International “Atlantic salmon summit” in Huningue, Alsace, France  1-3 oct. 2015, ERN, WWF & others partners

– International colloquium « Des Saumons et des Hommes 2 » in Brioude, Haute Loire France 10-12 oct 2013, SOS Loire Vivante, ERN, Brioude, AELB, FEDER