Connectez-vous avec des centaines d’organisations et d’experts engagés pour des rivières vivantes au niveau international ou national.
Le listing est établi en anglais. Merci pour votre compréhension !
- Organizations that deal on a international level
- Académie de l’Eau / see also Water Academy (NGO, based in France) L’Académie de l’Eau a été créée en 1993 à l’initiative du Ministère de l’Environnement et des six Comités de bassin français. Elle a pour mission d’organiser une réflexion prospective et interdisciplinaire dont doit bénéficier la gestion des ressources en eau.
- ACME Associations pour un Contrat Mondial de l’Eau
- A SEED Europe is Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development, a global youth network focusing on issues of environment and development.
- ATTAC international, movement for democratic control of financial markets and their institutions
- AWIRU, African Water Issues Research Unit
- Bern Convention
- Berne Declaration (BD) new Public Eye is an independent Swiss association for development politics. The BD works towards a more equal relationship between Switzerland and countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
- BirdLife international (NGO)
- CEDAR Central European Data Request… (Danis, Danube Database)
- CIPR Commission internationale pour la protection du Rhin
- Cousteau Homepage
- CRIIRAD Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur la Radioactivité
- Dams Threaten Rivers and communinites around the world ‘Env. Defense Fund”, NGO
- Dam Decommissioning worldwide
- Dam-Reservoir Info & Impact Archive , NGO, Canada
- Danube Delta National Institute
- Earth First! NGO
- Earth Island Institute USA,was founded in 1982 to foster the work of creative individuals by providing organizational support in developing projects for the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the global environment.
- Eaux vives (Site Web Canoë Kayak francophone)
- Ecologist (The), Revue international (english, français, espagnol)
- Eco Portal
- EEB European Environmental Bureau (regrouping european NGO’s)
- EMWIS is the Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water sector (a programme included in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership)
- ERN European Rivers Network (NGO) …networking for living Rivers..
- ECRR European Centre for River Restoration (Denmark) a non profit organisation , ECRR fosters communication between people working with river restoration in Europe.
- EU Research (CORDIS): Wetland and Aquatic Ecosystem Research – WAtER
- European declaration for a new water cultur
- EEA European Environment Agency
- EWA European Water Association
- Die Erklärung von Bern (EvB) new: Publicey) ist eine unabängige Organisation für Entwicklungspolitik. Die EvB setzt sich in der Schweiz ein für ausgewogene und gerechtere Beziehungen zwischen der Schweiz und Ländern in Asien, Afrika und Lateinamerika.
- Federación española de Ingeniería Sin Fronteras
- Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua
- FIVAS The Association for International Water and Forest Studies is an independent organization working to obtain and disseminate information about the consequencesof large dams and hydropower projects in the Third World (Norway)
- Fleuves du monde (voyages)
- Floodplain Biodiversity and Restoration (FLOBAR) Integrated natural science and socio-economic approaches to catchment management (a EU Project)
- Friends of the Earth Europe (FOE)
- Global Nature Fund NGO (Germany)
- Global Peatland Initiative website
- Green Cross intl.
- Green Electricity from Hydropower (EAWAG Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology)
- GWP Global Water Partnership
- GREEN (Global Rivers Environmental Education Network) – “GREEN’s mission is to improve education through a global network that promotes watershed sustainability.”
- Greenpeace international
- GRUENE LIGA Deutschland, NGO
- Hydropower & Dams JournalH2o, NGO, France
- HYDNet (IHP UNESCO) International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO / Paris
- ICID International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage. The largest international non governmental organisation of professionals in the sector(based in India)
- ICPDR International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River
- ICOLD INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON LARGE DAMS, ( pro large dam building position ) The world’s leading professional organization dedicated to advancing the technology of dam engineeringand supporting socially and environmentally responsible development and management of the world’s water resources
- IHP International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO)
- IUCN – The World Conservation Union
- IKSE Internationale Kommission zum Schutze der Elbe (tschechisch MKOL)
- IKSO Internationale Kommission zum Schutze de Oder (polnisch MKOO)
- IKSR Intl. Kommision zum Schutze des Rheines
- INBO The International Network of Basin Organisations (french: RIOB)
- InterDrava, Website, platform for cooperation between communities, organisations and businesses along the Drava-Mura rivers, in programmes of sustainable rural development
- International Riverfoundation, Australia, supports International Riversymposium / Thiess International Riverprize
- International Riversymposium, aims to make a difference to the declining state of rivers and waterways globally
- International Water Law Project : The International Water Law Project website provides pertinent information on international water law and policy and related topics. It offers treaties, articles, news stories, case law, Internet links, and other relevant information.
- International Rivers (former IRN, International Rivers Network) USA, NGO
- International Day of action for Rivers
- IOW International Office for Water , see OIEAU
- Latin American Water Tribunal (in spanish and english)
- LakeNet (USA)
- LIVING LAKE Campaign (Global Nature Fund / DUH Deutsche Umwelthilfe)
- LIVING WATERS/ Dams (intl. WWF)
- LIVING Wetlands
- MAWAC Managing Water for African Cities is a joint initiative of United Nations Environment Programme UNEP and United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UNCHS (Habitat):
- NABU Deutschland Naturschutzbund Deutschland NGO
- Netherlands Water Partnership
- New Water Culture Foundation , based in Zaragossa, Spain
- Nile Basin Society (Egypte)
- Ökostrom aus Wasserkraft (EAWAG Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology)
- OIEAU Office international de l’eau, see also IOW (ONG créer par le gouv., France) L’OIEAU a vocation de réunir l’ensemble des organismes publics et privés impliqués dans la gestion et la protection des ressources en eau, en France, en Europe et dans le Monde
- Partenariat français pour l’eau (Engagé pour l’eau du monde)
- Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) is a nonprofit citizen-based NGO that advocates adoption of ecologically sound practices in place of pesticide use.
- Probe International (Canada) educates Canadians about the environmental, social, and economic effects of Canada’s aid and trade abroad, exposing the devastating effects of our international projects.
- Protowet (The) Project
- pS-Eau (ONG) facilite les initiatives locales de coopération internationale et les échanges Nord/Sud, et encourage la cohérence des actions.
- Rainforest Action Network
- Ramsar Convention on Wetlands ( Switzerland)
- Reform the World Bank Campaign
- REC Regional Environment Center for Central and Eastern Europe
- RIOB Réseau International des Organismes de Bassin (Intl. State Org.)engl. INBO
- Rocky Mountain Institute (USA) is a nonprofit research and educational foundation with a vision across boundaries. Its mission is to foster the efficient and sustainable use of resources as a path to global security. It also has many consistently excellent publications on a wide range of topics.
- River Basin Initiative is a global activity under the joint work plan of both the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
- Rivers in crisis (study emerged from a global, multi-institutional, and interdisciplinary partnership)
- RiverNet (River Web-Portal) operated by ERN European Rivers Network
- Rivers without Boundaries Coalition, NGO Network to save transnational rivers
- River World Website dedicated to the conservation and improved management of our waterways
- SedNet , the European Sediment Network for environmentally, socially and economically viable practices of sediment management at river basin scales.
- SEE Solidarité Eau Europe (NGO based in France)
- SeedTree
- SEMIDE est le Système Euro-Méditerranéen d’Information sur les savoir-faire dans le Domaine de l’Eau. (programme inséré dans le Partenariat Euro-Méditerranéen).
- SIE – Sécretariat international de l’Eau ( based in Canada)
- SLIM Social learning for the integrated management and sustainable use of water at catchment scale
- Solidarité Eau Europe
- Solidarity Water Europe
- Stockholm International Water Institute
- SPAWN (the Salmon Preservation Association for the Waters of Newfoundland)
- Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (NGO)
- The Goldman Prize (USA) is the world’s largest grassroots environmental prize.
- The Worlds Water The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources USA
- UNESCO Water Portal
- Urgewald (Germany) setzt sich für den Erhalt der Urwälder weltweit ein und unterstützt den Kampf der Waldvölker.
- Water Academy (NGO, France) Organizing prospective and multidisciplinary forums which should be useful for water management.
- Water and Nature Initative (IUCN)
- Waterekeeper Alliance based in USA, Waterkeeper Alliance is an environmental “neighborhood watch”
- Wetland international (Netherland)
- WISE Water information System for Europe (EU)
- World Water Assessment Programme(Unesco)
- World Water Council, based in Marseilles, France, this organization formulates policies regarding water use.
- WWF international (Switzerland)
- WWF Danube and Carpathian Program
- WWF Oesterreich
2. Organizations that deal on a national level in Europe
Belgium :
Czech Republic:
- Arnika (NGO)
- Veronica Ecological Institute (NGO)
- ADRE Association de défense du rizzanese et de son environnement (Corse)
- Agences de l’eau State Agency
- Association Rivière Rhône Alpes (Réseau d’acteurs pour la gestion globale des milieux aquatiques et de l’eau) NGO
- CATER Bretagne Cellule d’Animation Technique pour l’Eau et les Rivières de Basse-Normandie
- Collectif Adour Eau Transparente
- EducaSource State Agency
- Eau et Rivières Bretagne regional NGO
- Eaux vives (Site Web Canoë Kayak francophone)
- EPL (ex EPALA) Etablissement publique Loire,
- FRAPNA regional Federation of NGOs (Region Rhone Alpes)
- FNE France Nature Environnement national Federation of NGOs
- GRAS Groupment de recherches archeologiques subaquatiques – Archéologie des rivières.
- Loire Vivante Network Network of NGOs
- IFEN Institut français de l’environnement
- Ministère de l’écologie et du développement
- Ministère de l’écologie et du dev. durable DOSSIER EAU, excellent
- Observatoire de l’Environnement en Poitou-Charentes
- Programme National de Recherch sur les Zones Humides (PNRZH)
- projet pédagogiques : “les messager de l’eau” http://www.lesmessagerdeleau.com
- Réseau Partenarial des Acteurs du Patrimoine Naturel de Poitou-Charentes, animé par
l’Observatoire Régional de l’Environnement (NGOs et institutions) - Réseau “sortir du nucléaire” NGO Network
- Saône, site d’annuaire et de liens au sujet de la Saône
- SOS Loire Vivante NGO+Network
- TOS (see also ANPER-TOS)
- Voies navigables de France
- WWF France (progr. Eau douce)
- Binnenschiffahrt online
- BUND – Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e. V. 5 (NGO)
- DUH Deutsche Umwelthilfe NGO, Programm “Lebendige Flüsse”
- Donausbau Rettet die Donau! Keine Staustufen zwischen Straubing und Vilshofen
- Edmund Siemers-Stiftung (Lebendige Bäche Aktion und mehr)
- GREENPEACE Deutschland NGO
- GRUENE LIGA Deutschland NGO
- LAWA Länderübergreifende Arbeitsgruppe Wasser
- NABU Deutschland Naturschutzbund Deutschland NGO
- Nabu Kranenburg und Projekt Rhein Fluss der tausend Inseln
- Rheinkolleg
- Rheintal Online Internet Magazin General Infomations about business, Tourisme, Culture and Links in the german part of the Rhine Valley
- ROBIN WOOD Deutschland
- The Stork Foundation
- Verein zum Schutze des Rheins und seiner Nebenflüsse e.V
- Wasserblick Bund – Länder Informations- und Kommunikationsplattform
- Danube-Circle (Duna Kör), NGO fighting against Gabcikovo /Nagymaros dams ….
- Centro internazionale Civilità dell’acqua (International Water Culture Centre), Foundation
- Gruppo 183 (NGO) working on rivers, water and soil
- Legambiente (NGO) working on environment
- WWF Italy (Water program)
- Binnenvaart Online
- Wetlands International (Netherlands)
- Internationale Kommission zum Schutz der Oder (MKOO) see “international section”
- Klub Gaja Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczno-Kulturalne “Klub Gaja” is an indedpendent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation. One of its activitys is to run a campaign to save the River Vistula !
- WWF Poland Program
- G.E.O.T.A. is a Portuguese Environmental and Land Management NGO.
- Hidronet Portugal
- SOS Rio Paiva is an NGO from Portugal dealing with a mountain river conservation. The SOS Rio Paiva aims to promote socio-cultural and environmental preservation of Paiva River Valley (Natura 2000), through the promotion of sustainable and ecological practices.
Slovakia :
Sweden :
Spain :
- AEMS – Rios con vida Asociación para el Estudio y Mejora de los Salmónidos (Salmon and Trout conservation)
- Asociación Río Aragón contra el recrecimiento del embalse de Yesa-COAGRET
- COAGRET Coordinadora de Afectad@s por Grandes Embalses y Trasvases. Espagna
- Ecologistas en accion
- Greenpeace Spain
- Portal-agua.com Information on water and hydrological politicy in Spain.
- Solidarios con Itoiz (Website against the Itoiz Dam Construction)
- Spanish Environment Ministry
- WWF Donana projects
Switzerland :
- Aquaviva (NGO)
- EAWAG Eidgenössische Anstalt für Gewässerschutz, Bern
- WWF Switzerland (NGO)
UK United Kingdom :
- Friends of the Earth NGO
- River Ocean (Research and Education NGO)
- River Restoration Centre
- UK Rivers Network
Ukrainia :
- Ukrainian Rivers Network, Contact: Gennadiy Marushevsky National Ecological Centre of Ukraine Phone: +38 044 238 62 60 Fax: +38 044 238 62 59. Tel./fax: + 38 044 246 58 62 E-mail: river@wetl.kiev.ua
- 3. Organizations that deal on a NATIONAL level OUT OF EUROPE
Australia :
- Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee (B4C), local NGO Queensland
Canada :
- Dam Removal On The Theodosia River Description: A public campaign to dismantle an old dam on British Columbia’s TheodosiaRiver, with the intention of restoring a multi-million-dollar salmon fishery.(Canada)
- Ottertooth.com watching and defending rivers (Rupert and more).
India :
- Clean Ganga Campaign for a clean Ganga River
- “Friends of the Narmada” “Friends of the Narmada”, international organization supporting de NBA
- Friends of te Bagmati River, national NGOwww.friendsofthebagmati.org.np
South Africa :
- Water Research Fund The main priority research areas are: Water use, conservation and technologies; Social, political and economic issues (including cost recovery, sanitation and gender); and Policy and legal issues.
- American Rivers works to preserve and restore America’s river systems and to foster a river stewardship ethic.
- American Whitewater Affiliation works to conserve and restore America’s whitewater resources
- Charles River Conservancy
- EDF (Environmental Defense Fund)
- Friends of the River ” identifies outstanding rivers in California – and in watersheds shared with Oregon, Nevada and Arizona – and mobilizes positive citizen action to protect and restore the ecosystems of these rivers…, NGO
- Glenn Canyon Action Network, NGO, People for the integrity of the Colorado River
- Idaho Rivers United is a statewide, non-profit river conservation group devoted to the protection of Idaho’s rivers, streams and riparian areas and the recovery of Idaho’s wild salmon and steelhead.
- IRN International Rivers Network see section “international”
- Living Rivers USA, promotes large-scale river restoration through broad-based mobilization. NGO,
- River Network – River Network’s mission is to help people organize to protect and restore rivers and watersheds.
- Wildsalmon