This privacy policy has been carefully translated for your convenience. Please note that the French version prevails.
European Rivers Network (ERN) is an NGO based in France (8, rue du Crozatier – 43000 LE PUY EN VELAY), committed to the preservation and sustainable management of rivers, rivers and water resources. In order to maintain a network of “living” rivers and streams on a European scale, it coordinates and organizes numerous actions for their protection and those of the associated ecosystems. It also conducts awareness and education campaigns in this area.
To ensure its missions, ERN communicates widely with the public, its members and citizens. The implementation of this communication is done through the use of computer tools (website, …) and requires the collection of personal data (dissemination of newsletters, memberships, internet browsing, donations, …).
ERN undertakes to manage your personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation regarding the processing of personal data, in accordance with the General Regulations on Data Protection (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament on 14 April 2016, and the Data Protection Act. Liberty of January 6, 1978 amended.
As mentioned above, ERN only collects personal data that is useful for the fulfillment of its mission or to provide a service to its members. Only personal data that are communicated to you by you or third parties are collected as part of a requested service, and only if explicit consent is received (on our website, by subscribing to the newsletter, when downloading a publication, making a donation, etc.).
Some data is collected using cookies: see our policy on cookies.
ERN keeps your data for the period necessary for the proper management of the requested service, or as long as necessary to meet all the legal and tax obligations or explicit waiver from the data subjects.
You can always check your data and have it changed or deleted if necessary. To do this, contact us by phone (0471055788) or by e-mail ( An unsubscribe link is also available on all our communications.
Your data is processed securely. Access is secured with personal access codes to use the tools, hosting on secure servers. ERN does not trade, assign or market any personal information.
Certain areas of this website may contain links to third party websites. These links are provided for your convenience, but please note that we have no control over third parties or their websites, whose privacy policies may be different from ours. So be sure to consult them when you change your website.