Big Jump 2022, July 10, Last call
Big Jump Sunday 10 july 3 pm (GMT+ 2)
Dear Big Jump organisers and friends,
In past years you all have organised and participated in our successful Big Jump movement. Some of you have even registered for this year’s event. Organisers from 10 countrys has allready registered ober 75 Big Jumps.
As you know, this year’s Big Jump is Free Flowing Rivers themed and it will witness hundreds of jumps in the river to raise the voice against dams and other barriers in our streams The event will also see the first ever European Dam Removal Simultaneous Action – July 5th to 11th (crowd funding).
Please join us, register your Big Jump event, jump, donate and spread the word to help us raise the profile of dam removal as a key restoration measure !
HELLO Romania, Greece, Austria,Bosnia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Turkey,Ukraine, Russia (yes both), Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland and others . . , NO Big Jump this year ?
In order to avoid problems with Corona virus you can organise small events even family or individual Jumps, swim events or just meetings to informe citizens
> Register your Big Jump event for sunday 10 july 3pm:
After registration we will send them further information for your communication and media work
Good Jump
Roberto Epple, President Europran Rivers Network
Founder of the Big Jump Mouvement
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