23 grandes entreprises signent une déclaration commune de soutien à la DCE

23 entreprises prennent position en faveur de la législation européenne sur l’eau et appellent l’UE à la faire respecter ! Fantastique !
Nous espérons que la Commission Européenne gardera cela à l’esprit lorsqu’elle finalisera sa #BiodiversityStrategy.
Le site Euractiv publie l’annonce de la déclaration faite ce matin. La déclaration singées des entreprises est disponible sur le site de Coca-Cola.
« DON’T WATER DOWN THE RULES (Lire l’article complet sur euractiv.com)

« Why Europe’s rules on protecting our water are working – and why we should stick with them.

There has never been a greater need for us to protect and restore our freshwater resources in Europe. […] Coca-Cola, as the world’s largest beverage producer, recognizes the need to protect freshwater resources for people, nature and business. It’s why effective water management is one of our key business priorities. […]. That’s why Coca-Cola and two of its biggest bottling partners in Europe (Coca-Cola European Partners and Coca-Cola Hellenic), along with 20 other companies who have signed a joint business statement stand with the 375,000 European citizens who have urged the European Commission – and governments across the EU – to maintain the EU’s Water Framework Directive in its current form. We want to see this Directive kept intact and fully implemented and enforced, as called for by numerous environmental groups through the #ProtectWater campaign. This EU wide law is vital.  It sets a much-needed deadline for us to protect and restore Europe’s freshwater ecosystems by 2027. […] In fact, other countries outside of Europe, including India and China, have been so inspired by the governance model provided by this Directive, they have adopted similar principles when drafting their own legislation. To maintain its credibility globally, the EU cannot and must not change the current legal requirements of the Water Framework Directive.  The rules are working and we should stick with them.

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