Tag Archive for: ERN

Big Jump, J-6 ! Are you ready ?

One simple jump. It’s easy for us – but it means a lot to our rivers. Come and join us to protect our rivers on Sunday 8 July. Yes, that’s the day of the Big Jump.

List of events and registration on www.bigjump.org

To send a message to our government, grab a pebble, draw a heart on it to express you care about our rivers. Then on the day of the Big Jump, send it skipping into a river near to you. Share on social media !

Big Jump is a European wide event that raises awareness about our rivers, and brings people together to express their willingness to protect them.
#ProtectWater #BigJump #BigJumpForRivers


On International Day of Action for Rivers, ERN’s press release and petition to save the Mura river in Slovenia

Hydropower, a disaster for our rivers !
>> Read ERN’s press release (in french) <<

WWF launched a campaign and a petition (until 22 march) to ask Slovenia’s governement to abandon plans to erect eight hydropower dams across the Mura River – Amazon of Europe -, which would transform this healthy free-flowing river into eight lifeless reservoirs.
Sign the petition.

Flood Risk in Paris (Seine River) – a new publication by ERN

In cooperation with “Seine Grand Lacs” and many other partners, ERN has published a 6 page document on the last flood in 2016. Download the document (in french only)

Logo ERN, petit format

The RiverNews France are online (in french only)

read the RiverNews France Mai 2017  (in french only)


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new leaflet : NO GO for micro hydro in french wild and scenic rivers

Only 1% of French river, mostly in national park, have a good statute of preservation, with a specific and endemic biodiversity. We need to save them from hydropower projects. This project causes too much damage on the rivers and do not participate to energetic transition.  ERN France – Wild Rivers publishes a brochure with examples of 3 endangered beautyfull rivers.

Download the leaflet (in french only)

Salmon in the Alps

It’s not just possible, but was once reality. And could be again ! Read this great article in the Atlantic Salmon Journal, written by  Nathan Wilbur.
Download the 3 page article in pdf  :  2017 04 – Atlantic Salmon – Rhine
Subscribe the Atlantic Salmon Journal : www.asf.ca

more information on the Salmon Comeback Campaign 



Rhine River : It was just a dream…

It was just a dream and a April Fool’s day trick. EDF is NOT demolishing the Vogelgrün Dam. The salmon must wait and the Salmoncomeback-Coalition has to strenghten its campaign for a free Rhine river . . .

more information : www.salmoncomeback.org

Photo Vogelgrün

Rhine River : EDF decides to demolish the Vogelgrün Hydro Power Station

Due to technical issues in making the Vogelgrün dam passable for fish and the current financial difficulties faced by EDF, a surprising decision has been made to demolish the power station. Usually well-informed sources have said the removal should be completed at the same time as the opening of the Haringsvliet in Holland, at the latest by the end of 2018. A planned, hugely expensive mobile fish passage project is to be replaced by accelerating the adaption of the generation facility between Strassburg and Vogelgrün. This should ensure the free passage of salmon as far as Basel by 2020 in order to meet the conditions of the international agreement.

more information : www.salmoncomeback.org

Great news, rivers recognised as living entities !

In New Zealand and India, 3 rivers has been granted the same legal rights as a human being. These rights can be used to protect the interests of the rivers.

March 15th, the parliament of New Zealand recognised the Whanganui river, the third-longest in the country, as a living entity with the legal status of a person after a 150-year battle by the local Maori people. “The Whanganui River is an indivisible and living whole which includes all its physical and spiritual elements from the mountains of the central North Island to the sea”.

The new status of the river means if someone abused or harmed it the law now sees no differentiation between harming the tribe or harming the river because they are one and the same. The bill allow Whanganui River  to represent its own interests and advocate on its own behalf.

Two guardians will be appointed to act on behalf of the Whanganui river, one from the crown and one from the Whanganui iwi (tribe).

“Ko au te awa. Ko te awa ko au”
“I am the river and the river is me”
. Maori proverb.

Whanganui river, known by the Maoris as Te Awa Tupua, © Prankster – Creative Commons

Few days latter New Zealand, India granted the same statut to the Ganges and Yamuna Rivers.  considered sacred and holy by millions of Indians,  these two rivers have been accorded the status of living entities and granting it the same legal rights as a human being, by the Uttarakhand High Court. The new status means if someone pollutes river Ganga, the law will see it equal to harming a human being.

“The Ganga should be saved for the generations to come,” the court added.

Ganga river at Varanasi © Mukul Kumar singh – CC BY-SA 3.0 – Wikimedia Commons