It is the first time in France such a national debate on agriculture takes place…
Every citizen has to seize this chance to express themselves !! The future of rivers, nature and agriculture are closely linked …

As part of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC in French), every member country of the European Union, must publish, for the first time, its national strategy plan. This document is subject to an environmental assessment by the competent authority, which requires public debate. The french national strategy should be sent to Brussels by the end of October 2020 by the french Minister of Agriculture
The public debate, nicknamed “ImPACtons” is led by the National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP), which was contacted last September by the French Minister of Agriculture.

We invite you to contribute !! At least on the theme “What agro-ecological transition?

This debate will be based on 4 complementary approaches

1 / Everyone can contribute now via a website open until May 31. Please note, the “Prioritize objectives” section is only open until March 30 …
>> View website

2 / A citizens’ assembly on agriculture made up of 140 people drawn by lot will meet to make proposals during the weekend from March 27 to 29 => More infos

3/30 public debates will be organized in all regions of France, including overseas => See the dates

4 / “Home” debates can be organized in families, schools and universities, companies, communities, according to rules defined by the commission